Teacher planning a substitute teacher day.
How to plan the best substitute teacher day.

As educators, we understand the importance of consistency in the classroom. However, there are times when we can’t be present due to illness, professional development, or other unforeseen circumstances. When that happens, having a well-planned substitute teacher day is crucial to ensure that students continue to learn and the classroom runs smoothly. In this blog post, we will explore strategies and tips on how to plan for the best substitute teacher day, ensuring that your students’ education remains uninterrupted.

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Establish Clear Classroom Procedures

The foundation of a successful substitute teacher day begins with having well-established classroom procedures. From entering the classroom to turning in assignments, students should know what is expected of them. Take the time to teach and reinforce these procedures at the beginning of the school year, and periodically review them to ensure students remember.

When planning for a substitute, leave a detailed list of these procedures, including how to handle common classroom activities like bathroom breaks, getting supplies, and asking questions. A well-informed substitute can maintain order and create a positive learning environment if they know what to expect.

Create Detailed Lesson Plans for a Substitute Teacher Day

Planning lessons for a substitute teacher day.
How to create detailed lesson plans for a substitute teacher day.

A comprehensive lesson plan is the backbone of a successful substitute teacher day. Here are some key elements to include:


Clearly state the learning objectives for the day. What should students know or be able to do by the end of the lesson? You do this when you are in the classroom. Clue your substitute teacher into the learning objectives, as well. This will help them stick to the lesson plan and understand why they are teaching in the way that you’ve laid out.


List all materials, textbooks, handouts, and technology required for the lesson. Ensure everything is easily accessible and organized. When I am planning for a one-day substitute teacher day, I leave all of the materials out on my desk, labeled with sticky notes. 

Planning for a substitute that will be in your class for multiple days takes an extra level of organization. When planning for multiple substitute teacher days, I use my daily drawers for each day’s plans and materials. I leave my substitute binder, full of all of the information they need, on my desk, with a note that all plans and materials are in the drawers. Having this level of organization ensures that a substitute teacher can successfully teach your class while you are away.


Provide a detailed schedule for the day, including start and end times for each activity. This helps the substitute manage time effectively. I keep this inside my substitute binder so that it is always ready, even if an emergency arises.


Write clear and concise instructions for each activity. Consider including explanations of any concepts or content the substitute may need to present. Give the substitute more information than you think they will need; be extremely explicit!


If applicable, include strategies for accommodating diverse learners, such as students with special needs or English language learners. I always include students who will be pulled out during the day, as well. It is helpful for the substitute teacher to be aware of when students are leaving class, so they are not surprised.

Emergency Procedures:

Inform the substitute about emergency procedures, including evacuation routes and how to contact the school office in case of an emergency. This is extremely important and something that I keep inside my substitute binder at all times.

Leave Contact Information

Ensure the substitute has access to your contact information in case they need to reach you with questions or concerns. Provide both your school email and a phone number where you can be reached during school hours. Additionally, leave the contact information of a trusted colleague who can assist if you are unavailable.

Prepare Materials in Advance

Materials needed for a substitute teacher day.
How to prepare materials in advance for a substitute teacher day.

To make the substitute teacher’s day as smooth as possible, have all materials organized and ready. This includes:

Having these materials prepared in advance ensures that instruction can continue seamlessly, even in your absence.

Communicate with Your Students About a Substitute Teacher Day

Before your absence, inform your students about the upcoming substitute teacher day. Set clear expectations for behavior and remind them of the classroom procedures they should follow. Let them know that the substitute will be providing instruction and that their responsibilities remain the same.

Foster a Positive Classroom Culture to Prepare for a Substitute Teacher Day

Teacher creating a positive classroom culture.
How to foster a positive classroom culture to prepare for a substitute teacher day.

Establishing a positive classroom culture throughout the school year can make a big difference on substitute teacher days. When students feel valued and respected, they are more likely to cooperate with the substitute and follow classroom rules. Encourage kindness, respect, and responsibility in your classroom to create a supportive learning environment.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Understand that no substitute teacher will be exactly like you, and that’s okay. Encourage flexibility and adaptability in your substitute teacher day plan. Allow room for the substitute to bring their own teaching style and personality to the classroom. While they should follow your lesson plan, they may have unique ways of engaging students that you hadn’t considered.

Leave Feedback Forms

picture of feedback forms to use for a substitute teacher day.
Use feedback forms for a substitute teacher day.

After the substitute teacher day, it’s essential to gather feedback to assess how the day went. Create a simple feedback form for the substitute to fill out, asking about classroom behavior, completion of assignments, and any issues they encountered. This feedback will help you make improvements for future substitute teacher days.

Show Appreciation

Finally, don’t forget to express your gratitude to the substitute teacher who filled in for you. A thank-you note or a brief conversation acknowledging their effort can go a long way in building positive relationships with substitutes and encouraging them to return when needed.

Planning for the best substitute teacher day requires careful preparation, clear communication, and a positive classroom culture. By establishing clear procedures, providing detailed lesson plans, and fostering a supportive environment, you can ensure that your students continue to learn and thrive even in your absence. Remember that flexibility and adaptability are key, and always show appreciation for the substitute’s dedication to your students’ education. With these strategies in place, you can confidently handle those unexpected absences while maintaining the quality of instruction in your classroom.

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