Hi, I'm Jordan

If you want to thrive as a new teacher, you're in the right place.

Helping new teachers feel confident in their skills is a passion of mine.

I know what it's like to thrive as a teacher

But it wasn't always this way...

My first year teaching was not what I expected. I felt confident leaving college, knowing that I was going to thrive and change the lives of my students. But that’s not how I felt at all once I started teaching. I was barely surviving, questioning whether I wanted this career or not. It wasn’t until I started using proven strategies and systems to increase engagement in my students and streamline the prep work.

That’s when it clicked. I started to find a work life balance in teaching. I knew that I could be a fantastic teacher and still have a life outside of the classroom. I taught engaging lessons, was planned ahead of time, and turned off my teacher brain when I left, and I’ve only gotten better at it.

The To Do List
Feels Daunting!

Being a new teacher is hard! It’s even harder when you don’t feel confident in your skills and strategies. Teaching with high-quality instruction strategies while tackling the never ending to-do list feels impossible!


I can help you stop feeling overwhelmed with everything on your plate...

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • Students to be successful
  • To feel confident in yourself as a teacher
  • Students to want to learn and try their best

That’s why I created my New Teacher Guide to Student Engagement. To help you have a class that is engaged and excited about learning.

You can do this!

It’s time to take action and gain the skills you need to thrive as a new teacher.

And, I’ll let you in on a little secret. The difference between new teachers who thrive and those who barely survive is taking the first simple step.

Simply enter your name and email to gain access to my New Teacher Guide to Student Engagement for Elementary Teachers.  Commit to the challenges inside and watch your student engagement boom!

Stop Begging Your Students to Engage in Learning

Enter your name and email and I’ll send my Ebook straight to your inbox!